
Creative Innovate CYBERLINE Software Solution

  • Solution
  • Astele PDM

Astele PDM

Astele PDM

Product Data Management System

Cyberline's Astelle PDM is a research process management solution that manages previous-stage R&D processes such as item management, mixing ratio and specifications, and WBS management to efficiently conduct R&D tasks such as systematic management of R&D processes within the enterprise, shortening the time required for development, and linking production.

  • Main Functions
  • Features / Product Configuration
  • Construction Case

From the request stage to the final product process
Product Data Management System Astele PDM

Enter the forms and functions used by the actual institution,
such as mixing fees, prescription cards, BOMs, recipes, etc.
into the system by implementing them on the web

Astele PDM S/W Configuration

Astele PDM S/W Configuration

Effect of introduction

  • Create and manage research processes through step-by-step approval from R&D and project creation tailored to the nature of the task
  • Provide standardized DB schema and load/manage data for items and other standard information that serve as reference information for each study subject
  • Establishment of work processes through Gantt Chart and standardized WBS management and management of overall project status, issues, and production in stages
  • Quality control of products that are put into production from the warehousing of items
  • Manage job performance history by task process step and by participating personnel
  • Cost analysis by project and performance management compared to budget plan through item management and research experiment management

Use A.I to refine and structure the data loaded in the Product Data Management system
and expand it to a high-quality A.I. Product Data Management system

This is a table explaining the benefits of the research product management system.
Advantage Description Advantage Description
Improve Efficiency
  • Automate iterative tasks
  • Quickly process large-scale data
Decision Support
    li> Predicting the likelihood of success and schedule through predictive analysis
  • Provide optimized solution
Data Accuracy and
  • Error Reduction
  • Real-time Data Update
Process Optimization
  • Optimize resources and reduce costs
  • Improved production efficiency through process optimization
Strengthen communication and
  • Provide real-time collaboration tools
  • Enhance communication with automatic notification
Quality Control
  • Real-time Quality Monitoring
  • Minimize production interruptions through preventive maintenance
Market Analysis and
Customer Response
  • Market trend analysis
  • Product improvement with customer feedback analysis
Reduce costs
  • Efficient resource allocation
  • Reduce development time

Expandable research integration system based on Astele PDM

  • LG Household & Health Care Establishment of Integrated Research Management System
    Business performance
    • Electronic research note recording and publication/page inspection provide basic functionality
    • DB structuring of research records through the reference information management module of research contents
    • Structure actual recorded data by managing electronic research note page templates by research record contents
    • Structure and record detailed research processes and contents through the management of recording items by research note page
    • Management of structuring raw materials and BOM information for future ERP linkage
    • Managing history for entire research archives and tracking data changes after data recording
    ※ Apply research process collaboration
    • Manage reference information necessary for research through raw material DB and BOM management modules, and structurally load and manage data inserted and recorded on electronic research note pages
    • Manage the history of all research processes and results through the Prescription and Research Results Management Module, and systematically manage final approved prescriptions and research results
    • Introduction of R&D workflow-based prescription cards
    Introduction Effect
    • Immediately reflect confirmed research results (e.g., items, BOMs, mixing costs, etc.) in manufacturing work
    • Immediate reflection of changes in data such as unit price of plant raw materials through connection with internal key systems such as ERP
    • Application of the latest raw material DB through automatic completion of raw material list at the same time as system access
    • Reduce product stability and legal risk by applying the latest global regulations
    • Systematic management of raw material data, accurate inventory status, and real-time monitoring of raw material usage
  • Aekyung Establishment of Integrated Research Management System
    Business performance
    • Provide Excel-type Prescription Card Using Spred JS
    • Increase user convenience in template form by implementing department-specific form and common form as a prescription card (BOM)
    • For the convenience of authors, functions and raw materials used are stored in common forms/special forms for convenience of writing
    • Provide a form for filling out prescription cards/editors/files to store the records produced in the study in the system structurally
    • Manage data history for research output to manage and retrieve existing to new output data at once
    Introduction Effect
    • Systematic management of product data for the previous period from development to production, such as raw material CODE data, manufacturing methods by process sequence, and manufacturing instructions
    • Immediately apply the latest data, such as basic information on raw materials and semi-finished products, to the mixing ratio through SAP linkage
    • Reduce product development time by automatically entering raw material information for each major process and adding processes
    • Avoid user errors by automating Excel-type combination formulas
    • Improve quality by systematically managing and analyzing process variables
  • S-OIL Establishment of Research Process Management System & Electronic Research Note System
    Business performance
    • Building an electronic research note system suitable for the research note management process of the S-OIL Technology Development Center
    • Establish a stable storage system for research note information that is managed individually and sporadically offline
    • Provides various experimental data input and results analysis functions such as polymerization, injection, extrusion, and detailed search functions

    ※ Astele ELN Tablet Platform Application
    • Introduction of electronic research notes for iPads that are free from outside the laboratory
    • S-OIL Technology Development Center Minimized Component Editor Features
    • Enhanced security so that electronic research notes can be accessed only from S-OIL internal Wifi
    • Application of Tablet's unique functions such as camera photography images and electronic research notes using Smart Pen

    Introduction Effect
    • Protecting the intellectual property of R&D information and preserving its value as important evidence
    • Improve the fidelity of research records, create value, and secure sustainability through a computerized research note management environment
    • Creating a research environment system to activate research notes through customized design and construction to respond to changes in the R&D management environment and IT environment
  • NOROO CO., LTD. Establishment of Integrated Research Management System
    Business performance
    • Research Information System (Electronic Research Note) Construction Project for Noroo Group Affiliates
    • Development and management of research notes according to research classification of 5 affiliates
    • Development and application of engine-specific grid blending forms such as paint, resin, and acrylic synthesis
    • Provides automatic insertion and calculation of raw material information through linking raw material data in ERP
    • Performs DB migration of accumulated research data prior to system deployment
    Introduction Effect
    • Strengthen Research Reproducibility by Establishing a Central Management Database of Paint and Synthetic Research Data
    • Systematic research knowledge management by affiliates through DB structure of experimental process and result information
    • Detailed search and utilization of the mixing by raw material by converting the raw material information used in the mixing of paint into a DB
    • Smart factory connection for ERP transmission and manufacturing of confirmed and completed raw material mix
  • SAMHWA PAINTS INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Establishment of Integrated Research Management System
    Business performance
    • Add institution-specific writing methods by adding design diaries among note page writing methods
    • Development of convenient functions for writing research notes with functions such as total, raw material information insertion, and automatic calculation by writing research notes using grid method
    • You can import registered information and write research notes by linking raw material data
    • Performing a database migration of accumulated research data within the solution being used in the article
    • Establish and define a research project process suitable for Samhwa paint and introduce it into the system
    Introduction Effect
    • Build a design journal database to enhance research reproducibility
    • Enhance user convenience with customized menu configurations
    • Department-specific special form definitions increase research efficiency with ease of writing
    • With the introduction of an integrated search engine, registered data can be retrieved and utilized
  • EUTILEX Establishment of Research Process Management System
    Business performance
    • Revision of Research Project Management Regulations and Process through R&D Consulting
    • Additional development and application of research task management functions according to process redefinition
    • Detailed schedule of research project management and introduction of WBS function for RISK management
    • History for the management of research projects by the research project manager (PM), Apply Issue Report
    • Free page classification of research notes and creation function through file attachment and professional editor
    • Provides research notes on portable devices such as mobile and tablet
    • The ability to write note comments when co-reading research notes
    Introduction Effect
    • Allocation and progress of personnel at each detailed stage through the application of WBS in research projects, RISK management
    • Improve management efficiency by introducing the Issue Report function of the research project manager
    • Expanding the speed and accuracy of research records through filtering with DB loading of research records
    • Prevent overlapping research and strengthen research collaboration system through joint reading among researchers
    • Establishment of a reliable research record management system through point-in-time certification by authorized certification agencies
  • Soulbrain Establishment of Research Process Management System & Electronic Research Note System
    Business performance
    • Provides a step-by-step manageable workflow function
    • Functions of joint reading, etc. by authority level (1st to 10th grade) of participating researchers
    • Creating with professional editors to provide various documents and web compatibility based on HTML5
    • The ability to create complex formulas and components such as various formulas and molecular structural formulas
    • Material management and inventory management functions through substance (raw materials, reagents, etc.) management
    Introduction Effect
    • Improve management efficiency through management of research notes by stage of research project
    • Effective management of research data through inspection and approval of research notes by grade and joint reading functions
    • Safely store research results through central management of Solbrain electronic research notes
    • Tracking material usage history and real-time inventory management through material management functions
  • Genexine Establishment of Integrated Research Management System
    Business performance
    • Pharmaceutical/Bio sector custom snippets, templates provided
    • Edit and extend web-based professional editor
    • Project, Milestone, Calendar Features
    • Integrated search function for note text and attachments
    • Following domestic and international regulations such as USA FDA Cfr21 Part11
    Introduction Effect
    • Maximize researchers' work efficiency by writing research notes using web-based templates
    • Improve technical skills and reliability such as overseas licensing out through the research note system
    • Maximizing research efficiency by establishing and utilizing a central management system for research knowledge
    • Following USA FDA 21CFR Part11 to strengthen the storage system of research data
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