
Creative Innovate CYBERLINE Software Solution

  • Solution
  • Astele PMS

Astele PMS

Astele PMS

Project Management System

Cyberline's Astelle PMS is a research task management solution that can maximize the convenience and efficiency of work by organizing the research management process of research institutes from research planning, progress management, and follow-up management.

  • Main Functions
  • Features / Product Configuration
  • Construction Case

Astele PMS S/W Configuration

Astele PMS Configuration

Astele PMS Menu composition chart

Astele PMS 서비스 구성

Astele PMS Key functions

  • Announcement of assignments
    Function of publicizing detailed plans for each project by a specialized research management agency, etc. who intends to promote research and development projects to receive tasks
  • Application for an assignment
    The function of a research institution that intends to carry out research and development projects to prepare a research and development plan, etc. and apply for a project
  • Electronic evaluation
    The function of performing the evaluation by internal and external evaluation committee members based on the evaluation plan, registering the evaluation results/selection results, and managing the current status thereof
  • Electronic convention
    Based on all documents required for the agreement, the function of creating an electronic agreement and signing an electronic agreement through an electronic signature includes the connection of the research fund card system (EZBaro)
  • Selection of projects
    The function of the R&D project's supervisory authority to check the received task plan information and then process the task selection task to perform the task
  • Task Performance
    The manager manages the contents of the task and the submitted task report, and the researcher manages the progress of the task and the related report
  • task performance
    The function of registering and managing information on research results generated after completing the task and inquiring about the status of them
  • Assignment evaluation
    Function to handle, register, and manage tasks such as establishing, processing, and inquiring an evaluation plan for the completed research project
  • Settlement management
    Management functions, such as information by tax category, execution details, etc., on the settlement information of the relevant research fund based on the research fund information registered in the project execution plan
  • Manpower management
    Manpower information management function to smoothly manage researcher information and various committee information of research project management institutions and research project performance institutions

Astele PMS Feature Point

Astele PMS 서비스 구성
  • Astele PMS is modularized by key areas/purpose of service and structured to improve or reconfigure service according to customer environment and specificity.
  • Astele PMS can be flexibly reconfigured by adding or subtracting the following module services depending on the customer's operating environment, and can be combined with commercial WAS and Open Source tools as needed.
  • Each module/service is managed to update and patch independently, and is structured to improve and reflect the unique characteristics and stability of the product itself.
  • Astele CMS™   Management of various contents occurring during research tasks such as progress reports, work reports, evaluation reports, and final reports
  • Astele ESB™   Message-based middleware that supports association and integration with a variety of systems running on heterogeneous operating systems
  • Astele WAS™   Lightweight open-source component server with Astelle RPM Application Server (POJO-based, OR Mapping enabled)
  • I/F Agent   Common System Integration Agent (Search, PDF, HR Interface, etc.)

Electronic Convention

Advantages and expected effects

  • Pre-electric Research Process and R&D Information Management Solutions
    • From the planning stage of the research project to the task selection, progress management, and post-performance management, research project management solutions in the previous period
    • Management according to detailed processes such as self-performance, consignment, and R&D projects
    • Project planning, selection, agreement, evaluation, performance, performance, linkage, etc. All-round information management
    • Improve R&D competitiveness by systematically managing research management work processes
    • Building institutional customized research management system with component-based solutions
    • Enable scalability and flexibility based on e-government standard frameworks
  • Flexibility of system integration and interconnection of internal and external systems
    • Stable linkage with systems within the institution such as groupware, MIS, and payment through associated API
    • Creating synergies through integration with various solutions such as electronic evaluation, electronic agreements, and electronic payments
    • Support smooth linkage with related systems such as PRISM, a policy research and management system, NTIS, a national science and technology knowledge information service, and FRIS, an agriculture, forestry and fisheries food R&D.
    • Relating detailed items and execution details through linkage with research fund card management system
  • Flexible rights management
    • Safety security and data protection through authority management by role and position
    • Detailed authority management function that controls and manages input, modification, and deletion (CRUD) by task
  • Stable data management
    • Support systematic management of data generated when performing R&D tasks
    • Providing PDF conversion and webbook production services for stabilizing original text services and protecting works of various reports and research results
    • Safely manage critical data through backup and security management based on content management solutions
  • Various convenience functions
    • Provides a dashboard according to the roles of researchers, research managers, and department heads to quickly handle major schedules, statistics, and approval.
    • Provides a variety of statistics that enable rapid response to various internal and external request data such as the Office of the Director, Divisional Evaluation, Self-Evaluation, Management Evaluation, State Administration Audit, and Audit and Inspection.
    • NTIS and FRIS automatic linkage and manual registration formats for downloading research information Excel
    • Notifications by major schedule (SMS, Email, Web Push, etc.) Features
    • Providing an integrated portal service to the public that can effectively share information on established research projects
  • NATIONAL MARINE BIODIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF KOREA Re-establishment of Research Management System
    Business Performance
    • Step-by-step advancement through re-establishment of research management system processes
    • Development of task management functions by type such as original/trustee/R&D
    • Develop user-friendly interfaces
    • Linked internal/external systems such as ERP, groupware, IRIS, etc.
    • Securing system quality through systematic business management
    • Establishment of a systematic business management foundation for research management tasks
    Introduction Effect
    • Maximize work efficiency and productivity by establishing a process centered on real users of research and management.
    • Building a database of research results to strengthen the management system of research results
    • Improve the quality of results and promote business stability through regular monitoring of research projects
    • Activating research support projects through the establishment of a user-friendly research task management system
    • Improve efficiency in managing research projects by establishing a foundation system for management in the previous half of the research course
  • Korea Airports Corporation Improvement of Research Management System
    Business Performance
    • Advanced archival deployment based on e-government standard frameworks
    • Applying standard technology to resolve website compatibility issues
    • Improve RPMS utilization and improve administrative work processes through UI/UX improvement
    • Visual representation of various status and statistics through the introduction of visualization solutions
    • Selecting research tasks for existing research performance management systems, implementing task management menus and linkage functions between other work systems
    • Interface Link Between New System and ERP
    • Data linkage with related organization systems such as Insa DB and Patent DB
    Introduction Effect
    • Applying HTML5 web standards to lay the foundation for responding to changes in the Internet environment
    • Improve work efficiency with user-centric features and UI/UX improvements and statistical visualization
    • Improve accessibility/utilization of knowledge data for all employees and increase efficiency in product management
    • Improve system performance such as data processing speed and screen call speed
  • POSCO RESEARCH INSTITUTE Re-establishment of Research Project Management System
    Business Performance
    • Rebuilding a new research project management system with global new technologies and standardized whole-electric processes
    • Research Project Planning> Selection> Implementation> Systemization of Results Evaluation and Tracking Evaluation Process
    • Applying a user-centered interface to increase user convenience and streamline operations management
    • Building a central management system for research information, projects/project outcomes through linkage with related systems
    • Relational DB design and reference model reflecting previous research task management work process
    • R&D budget and accounting, technical information, R&D manpower system, Link to work support system
    Introduction Effect
    • Automates duplicate tasks when preparing task plans, plans, reports, etc. using pre-entered data
    • Optimal utilization of all research resources
    • through data construction applying the enterprise-wide standard classification system
    • Realizing optimal calendar management through real-time automatic analysis of performance and execution details compared to major research activities and goals
  • Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs Primary Project on RPMS Advancement based on e-Government Standard Framework
    Business Performance
    • Introduction of web standard frameworks based on e-government standard frameworks
    • Reorganize the entire menu of the research performance management system and improve UI/UX
      • Improvement of management functions for selecting and managing research projects, such as submitting task proposals and further developing management functions.
      • Improvement of functions in the research project management sector, such as the advisory function of the advisory committee for each task and the addition of various current status functions on the task status
    • Implementation of the linkage function between the research performance management system and other business systems
    • Introducing visualization solutions to enhance visual expression of various status and statistics
    Introduction Effect
    • Applying standard technology lays the foundation for responding to changes in the Internet environment and solves website compatibility issues
    • Improve RPMS utilization and improve job satisfaction through user-centered UI improvement
    • Quick response to various statistical calculation tasks required internally and externally
    • Improvement of research-related administrative work processes to improve researchers' concentration of research work
    • Maintaining optimal service quality and efficiency of information system resources by improving the stability and reliability of information system operation
  • Institute for Basic Science Integrated Ezbaro Linkage System Construction Project
    Business Performance Construction of linkage system through analysis of integrated Ezbaro (Universified Research and Non-Integrated Management System) requirements
    • Function to link research project list and detailed agreement information
    • Research secret mapping, internal data, and integrated Ezbaro data comparison capabilities
    • Transfer research funds data, Error etc progress monitoring function
    • Integrated Ezbaro Collection Function for Required Related Items
    Improved MIS and PMS functions of the Institute of Basic Science for Integrated Ezbaro linkage
    • Integrated Ezbaro task secret, adding input information by use
    • Improvement of the process function of research fund settlement.
    • By all uses, tax items, task, and resolution for budget execution of research projects, Send enforcement data in conjunction with business-specific code
    Introduction Effect
    • Construction of an integrated Ezbaro linkage system to respond timely to the National R&D Innovation Act
    • Automating national R&D project data transmission to reduce excessive administrative work
    • Strengthen computerization, accessibility, and utilization of performance procedures through systematic management of task management data through linkage of research project information related to agency-specific projects and consignment projects and detailed secret information related to project expenses
  • National Institute of Korean History Establishment of Research Project Management System
    Business Performance
    • Establishment of an integrated management system for the previous period of the Korean History Compilation Committee's research support project (Korean history research support, academic conference support)
    • Research project management system that can integrate and manage the entire process, including application, screening, selection, change, termination, and performance management, in the project competition
    • Establishment of a standard work process for the committee's research project management and standardization of relevant information and forms
    • Implements a user-friendly interface that ensures compatibility and ease of use available on a variety of OSs, and browsers.
    • Design and build systems for privacy and information security enhancements
    Introduction Effect
    • Establishment of research project management system ensures fairness, transparency, and openness of research support projects
    • Improve work efficiency by improving the way research support projects are carried out and the work process
    • Improvement of the quality of results, research results, and business stability through regular monitoring of research projects
    • Activating research support projects through the establishment of a user-friendly research task management system
    • Resolving work disconnection and strengthening accountability due to changes in business managers
  • Korea Medical Device Development Fund Establishment of business management system
    Business Performance
    • Establish a business management system by applying the National Research and Development Innovation Act and enforcement rules that took effect in January 2021.
    • Building step-by-step application through re-establishment of KMDF's previous-stage work process and standardization of information
    • Implementing external user portals, business process management, technical statistics, and specialized functions by support sector
    • Application of standardized form, non-standardized standardized form items, and business management standard form system with semi-standardized form
    • Public announcement, application, evaluation of tasks by the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation and Management, Research Foundation, and Health Industry Promotion Agency, Integrated systemization of selection tasks
    • Establish an electronic agreement system based on the integrated research project of the central government and the linkage system with the project cost management system
    • National Science and Technology Information Service (NTIS), Research Non-Integrated Management System (Ezbaro) National R&D Innovation Act is applied
    Introduction Effect
    • The National Research and Development Innovation Act and its enforcement rules, which took effect in January 2021, were applied for the first time, and research project, Detailed business expenses can be managed and linked by item
    • Improvement of the management system through the establishment of a future-oriented information system that handles the existing manual-dependent business management system online: Improve work efficiency through the establishment of a business management process and standardization of information
    • Performs the role of a specialized institution through the application of a user-centered interface reflecting the standardized business management whole-stage process: Standardization and computerization of various forms related to the project used by the Foundation
    • Technology commercialization information, Establishment of central management system for task/project outcome database to improve administrative efficiency: Strengthen security and improve administrative efficiency through establishment of work system infrastructure in response to promotion of use of public sector system
  • Korea Aerospace Industries, LTD. Establishment of R&D task management system
    Business Performance
    • Introduction and installation of H/W and S/W for R&D task management systems
    • Development of budget and planning management functions to review and assign R&D tasks (government/in-house R&D) targets.
    • Standardization of information and formatting necessary for the establishment and work of the previous period of R&D task performance procedures such as public announcement, proposal and reception, evaluation, etc.
    • Management of RISK for R&D tasks such as management of task contents and task report, progress and schedule management
    • Sharing DBs for real-time monitoring and computerization of task management tasks
    Introduction Effect
    • Strengthen accessibility and usability through computerization of R&D task performance procedures through systematic management of data generated when performing R&D task management tasks
    • Improve competitiveness in government R&D projects by systematically managing R&D task management work processes to raise the level of research data
    • Status of tasks performed in the previous period and central management and recycling of technical data to strengthen the company's technology and prevent loss of know-how
    • Safely manage and recycle important data through backup of research data and security management
  • Korea Gas Technology Corporation Research Management Computer System Development Service
    Business Performance
    • Establishment of a systematic management system for research project execution performance data and research management
    • Establishment of a management system for improving the accessibility of research tasks and research results information and systematic management of data according to the characteristics of the Korea Gas Technology Corporation
    • Building an information system that handles research and management of Korea Gas Technology Corporation online
    • Building a central management system for research information, performance/evaluation results database
    • Improve transparency of research expenses through linkage of accounting and financial management systems and additional development
    Introduction Effect
    • Improve operational efficiency through standardization/automation of research management
    • Improvement of information service satisfaction by reorganizing research management processes and user interface
    • Get a standard architecture that can flexibly respond to changes in the internal and external environment
    • Secure a security system that can proactively respond to the security enhancement policy for the information system
  • National Institute of Biological Resources Advanced Performance Management System
    Business Performance
    • Re-establishing the performance management system process of the National Biological Resources Center and upgrading its function
    • In accordance with the research management regulations, research task management functions are implemented in accordance with the previous research management process such as project application, deliberation, planning, and progress management.
    • Implementation of administrator functions for system operation such as personnel and organizational management and authority management
    • User/organization information, linking legacy systems within the National Institute of Biological Resources
    Introduction Effect
    • Systematic management of quantitative and qualitative performance through the advancement of the performance management system according to the change in performance indicators of the Ministry of Environment and responsible operating institutions
    • Improve work efficiency through systematic management of biological resource research results and strategic preparation for the spread of performanceism
    • Central management of research tasks and research outcomes according to the characteristics of the National Biological Resources Center improves information accessibility and secures systematic management of data
    • Unifies research management work channels in accordance with the regulations and maximizes work efficiency by reflecting systematic work processes
    • Improve utilization through the development of user-centered systems Get user convenience
  • Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources Performance Management System Construction Service
    Business Performance
    • Establishment of a performance management system for the National Nakdonggang River Biological Resources Center for simplification of research results and systematic performance management.
    • Implementation of previous-stage research task management functions such as task proposal, deliberation, evaluation, and progress management
    • Implementation of management functions of research manager, participating researchers, and various committees
    • Setting performance goals for individuals and tasks, implementing performance management functions against goals
    • Implementation of approval management by function, various status and statistics inquiry functions
    Introduction Effect
    • In line with the increase in the workload of the National Nakdonggang River Biological Resources Center, the establishment of a systematic performance management system improves the efficiency of overlapping work and performance management
    • Promotion of central management and systematic management of databases through computerization of research project information such as self, consignment, and consignment
    • Preparation of public relations through computerization of research achievements
  • Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency Establishment of Comprehensive Management System for Research Projects
    Business Performance
    • Establish a whole-cycle process-based research task management system (PMS) that supports effective performance and monitoring of research processes throughout the task performance of research tasks managed by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    • Building a task proposal, deliberation, selection, evaluation, and report management system
    • Establishment of a performance management system for conducting research tasks such as performance utilization report, performance goal setting, and performance indicator management
    • Building a central management system for research project databases, including DB construction, computerization, and operation management of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's existing task information
    Introduction Effect
    • Use of institutional research projects and performance monitoring to understand the current status of research projects and performance, and to evaluate and reset research direction
    • Induce qualitative improvement of research project performance and manage systematic progress
    • Ensuring task management efficiency by reducing repetitive and inefficient administrative tasks
    • Computing existing data (DB construction) enables similar task information and research task search
    • Statistical analysis function to analyze overall research project status
    • Improve efficiency in management of evaluation committee members and secure fairness when selecting evaluation committee members through the computer system of evaluation committee candidates
  • Northeast Asian History Foundation Establishment of Research Project Management System
    Business Performance
    • Standardization of information and formatting necessary for task management process establishment and task management tasks
    • Establishment of a research project management system that can integrate and manage the entire research management process, from task contest to application, deliberation/evaluation, agreement, and progress management
    • Organic linkage with internal and external information systems such as organizations, users, and search engines
    • Introduction/installation of hardware and software for system operations such as servers, unified storage, reporting tools, etc.
    Introduction Effect
    • Exchange national R&D business information and increase efficiency in the previous period of R&D
    • Customize solution to clarify and analyze requirements/reduce design time
    • Ease of expanding organizational and user information management systems
    • Applies common components and shared services for recycling/co-utilization of system functions
  • Jeonnam TechnoPark Comprehensive R&D Management System in Jeollanam-do
    Business Performance
    • Building an integrated management system and introducing an integrated search solution
    • Development of R&D task management system
    • Construction of Science and Technology Information Network
    • Building a new Intellectual Property Information Bank
    Introduction Effect
    • Building a portal site for R&D comprehensive management systems, unified management systems (CMS) and supporting operation
    • Design of the main screen and entire page of the website according to the establishment of the Jeonnam Science and Technology Information System
    • Updates the contents of the center's website, such as the introduction of the center, major business information, and reorganizes pages related to facilities and equipment
    • Enhancing privacy and security according to relevant laws (G-SSL, G-PIN, mobile phone authentication, encryption, etc.)
    • Enhanced convenience by developing other integrated management functions
  • LX (Korea Land Information Corporation) Establishment of research integrated management system
    Business Performance
    • Establishment of a whole-cycle research task management system in accordance with the research management regulations of the Korea Institute for Spatial Information
    • DB structure design, data transfer, consistency verification
    • by applying NTIS standard schema
    • Establishment of information linkage systems such as NTIS, ERP, and electronic payments
    Introduction Effect
    • Establishment of R&D work processes and establishment of an efficient management system in accordance with revisions such as R&D regulations of researchers leading spatial information
    • Operation of a systematic and transparent research management system to establish the status of leading/professional research institutes
    • Implementing system-linked infrastructure for sharing the latest R&D information and utilizing performance
    • Improve reliability and improve satisfaction by improving the accuracy and speed of research operation management
  • National Fire Agency Establishment and advancement of R&D project management system
    Business Performance
    • Establishment of a performance management system based on the results of the R&D efficiency and effectiveness analysis of fire prevention R&D and design and establishment of a fire prevention R&D research performance management system for the performance management of national R&D projects
    • Presenting the improvement plan of the Comprehensive Research Management Information System (RDMS) and establishing an integrated web-based R&D management system
    Introduction Effect
    • Secure investment efficiency and establish an effective research project management system when carrying out fire prevention R&D tasks
    • Presenting clear management standards through the development and application of flexible research performance indicators according to the characteristics of the Korea Disaster Prevention Research Institute
    • Performance task progress management, performance management, and analysis functions of R&D projects.
    • Support the distribution and spread of R&D results through efficient task progress management and performance management
    • Building an integrated DB through the linkage of RDMS and NTIS to ensure consistency of R&D information and increase utilization of performance information
  • Constitutional Count of Korea Establishment of Research Project Management System
    Business Performance
    • Establishment of a registration system for research tasks and research tasks such as process selection and designation
    • Establishment of a registration system for collection research data classification
    • Use of registered data such as search and status inquiry and establish various statistical systems
    Introduction Effect
    • Implementing a research portal so that research work can be handled using the research task management system
    • Easy to enter and process user research tasks, replace performance reports and file servers to prevent redundancy and increase user convenience
    • Adding opinions on research project work, activating work sharing by registering research data, and preparing DB expansion functions
  • National Institute of Environmental Research Establishment of Research Project Management System
    Business Performance
    • Building a computational infrastructure that can manage previous-stage information on research projects
    • Building an integrated search function that can expand and manage and utilize research project information
    • Information expansion and standardization for NTIS linkage
    • Enhance system security, such as DB encryption, web vulnerabilities, etc.
    Introduction Effect
    • Improve the efficiency of research service management and research project management by supporting the whole-cycle process of research project management
    • Improve work efficiency and transparency such as simplifying work processes and preventing duplicate inputs
    • Enhance fairness in evaluation through expert POOL management and establish an external evaluation committee management system
    • Enhance R&D policy establishment and decision-making support through strengthening statistical analysis functions
  • Korea Cosmetic Industry Establishment of Comprehensive Information System for Research Management
    Business Performance
    • Building a system that supports public announcement, assignment reception, assignment performance, performance management, evaluation management, manpower management, and systematic management of related information.
    • Connecting task data with existing homepage considering business volatility
    • Design DB in compliance with NTIS standard schema
    Introduction Effect
    • Effective research work through the establishment of a professional research management system
    • Improvement of information sharing and utilization through unification of access to information related to R&D projects
    • Secure business processing accuracy through information management of researchers and evaluation committee members through the establishment of a comprehensive information system for research management
    • Improve the quality of future R&D work by enhancing the efficient use of research results
  • The Incheon Institute Establishment of Incheon Research Comprehensive Information System (INDB)
    Business Performance
    • Establishment of a research information management system for systematic management of research project information and research reports
    • Building a systematic DB of research results
    • Establishment of an automatic collection data DB and implementation of integrated search for major research issues in the Incheon area
    • Implementation of linkage modules for transfer and conversion of research data
    Introduction Effect
    • Systematic management of research projects ordered by public institutions in Incheon and integration of resources related to research services
    • Sharing information on research service results and maximizing utilization of results
    • Securing diversity of research through monitoring research reports on major domestic research institutes
    • Building Incheon Research Comprehensive Information Management Infrastructure through the introduction of the latest IT technology
    • Implementing an efficient and reliable system through optimal solution introduction
  • Korea District Heating Corporation Establishment of Research Management Portal System
    Business Performance
    • Construction of a common system according to the establishment of an information system (screen composition, content creation, connection with internal systems of construction, management by user group, etc.)
    • Establishment of research management system (public announcement/reception, screening/evaluation/selection, monitoring progress, calculation and execution of research funds, commercialization and practical information management of research results, etc.)
    • Building various performance and intellectual property rights management functions
    • Manage research statistics and generate statistical reports
    • Building information management functions for researchers and evaluators
    Introduction Effect
    • Improve efficiency by establishing a system base for previous-term research project management tasks (proposal, deliberation, approval, approval, etc.)
    • Preparing the foundation for securing and building quality content in the future
    • Monitoring research progress and issues
    • Building a foundation for commercialization and commercialization of research results
  • Ministry of the Interior and Safety Policy Research Management System(PRISM)
    Business Performance
    • Expanding and upgrading the policy research and management system
    • Advanced policy research management portal system infrastructure
    • Improvement and expansion of functions such as manager screen and performance inspection system
    • From 2009 to the present, the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs carried out on-country knowledge and policy research management system maintenance projects
    Introduction Effect
    • Expanding public participation by improving web accessibility and public service functions
    • Supporting the performance of tasks that can be used by policy research institutes through the development of open APIs and stable maintenance of national knowledge portals
    • Preparation of original text protection measures for research reports and copyright protection
    • through the implementation of PDF conversion services
    • Providing stable on-country knowledge administration system and high-quality policy research services
  • Korea Meteorological Institute Improvement of the function of the research management system
    Business Performance
    • Advanced the Korea Meteorological Administration's research and management system, including statistics, search, and evaluation committee POOL improvements.
    • Improvement of system functions to enhance user convenience, such as demand survey, technology implementation, and technology fee payment performance functions.
    • NTIS strengthens internal and external system linkage functions such as research fund card management system
    • Maintenance of the Korea Meteorological Administration's research and management system for stable, uninterrupted service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (2014~present)
    Introduction Effect
    • Effective work support and establishment of a systematic and stable operation foundation through rapid application of the system in accordance with changes in the management environment, such as the regulations of the Korea Meteorological Industry Promotion Agency's R&D project
    • Improvement of work efficiency of all processes of R&D business (planning, business application, evaluation, agreement, follow-up management, etc.)
    • Establish a smooth information linkage system with external linkage systems such as NTIS (National Science and Technology Knowledge Information Service) and research fund card systems
  • Korea Forest Service Advanced Forest Science and Technology Information Service System
    Business Performance
    • Forest Science and Technology Information Service System Informatization Consulting
    • NTIS (National Science and Technology Knowledge Information Service) and FTIS (Integrated Information System for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Food Research and Development Projects) link
    • Electronic agreements, evaluation functions, and evaluation committee management functions are established.
    • Advanced business management functions in the previous half of the national R&D project
    Introduction Effect
    • Perfect response to information linkage policies by implementing R&D information management systems that conform to the national R&D information standards and agricultural and forestry R&D information standards
    • Increasing the utilization of R&D information in the forest sector through the implementation of R&D service functions for the nation.
    • Improve transparency in selecting evaluation committee members and evaluation management through new introduction of electronic evaluation functions
    • Improve efficiency and speed of R&D administrative work through new introduction of electronic agreement functions
    • Improve response to NTIS data quality assessment and improve the quality of service to public and policy customers by expanding R&D management information and strengthening real-time connectivity
  • Korea Foundation of Nuclear Safety Establishment of business management system
    Business Performance
    • Building a nuclear safety R&D informatization system based on the whole-electric process of business management
    • Information on past R&D tasks is converted into a DB and information on nuclear safety research is computerized
    • Building a linkage system with internal and external related systems such as NTIS, KRI, and research fund card management systems
    Introduction Effect
    • Improvement of work efficiency of consumers and managers of R&D projects through computerization of work processes in the previous period of nuclear safety R&D projects
    • Planning to systematize and stabilize various information integrated management through DB and computer management for offline information distributed and managed, such as reports and achievements
    • Building links to internal and external systems to respond quickly to external needs and secure reliability of information utilization
  • Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement Establishment of business management system
    Business Performance
    • Establishment of a foundation for previous-stage business management processes such as public announcement, agreement, progress, etc.
    • Connection of established systems such as management information systems and electronic document systems within the institution
    • Establishment of task management function in conjunction with the budget management system established in
    Introduction Effect
    • Improves user convenience through systematic management of tasks through business management system
    • Management of businesses and tasks is based on information systems, significantly improving efficiency and productivity of business management
    • Establish a foundation for the previous period process of project and task management to support systematic research project management
    • Improve business process efficiency by improving processes and simplify unnecessary research tasks
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